Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation
A team of experts in neurobehavioral rehabilitation, combined with a calming, therapeutic environment, provides an opportunity for optimal recovery.
Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation is a community-based rehabilitation and clinical program for those who experience uncharacteristic aggression, prolonged confusion, or an escalation of behavioral health issues following a brain injury.
Our Program
Our program is unique compared to more traditional post-hospital rehabilitation programs. With a focus on modifying challenging behaviors through specialized strategies and adaptations, you or your loved one can overcome difficult cognitive and behavioral challenges and continue the journey toward functional, real-world independence.
Those in the program benefit from the following services.
- Individualized behavior plan development and ongoing monitoring
- Psychiatric intervention in collaboration with psychology and nursing support
- Comprehensive clinical services
- Board-certified behavioral analysis
- High staff to resident ratio
- A low-stimulus environment
- Nursing support in a low-stimulus, controlled environment
- Coordinated care
Admission Profile
Those who qualify for Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation must fit the following criteria:
Diagnosed with a brain injury or other neurologic impairment
Diagnosed with a brain injury or other neurologic impairment
Medical care needs can be managed in a post-acute setting
Participant requires intensive behavioral training with reasonable expectation for improvement or benefit to the participant
The behavior has been determined to be unmanageable at a less-intensive level of care
The participant has the ability to be oriented to the environment with assistance from staff, has developed communication ability (verbal or non-verbal), and is able to participate in five minutes of consecutive structured activity and make reasonable effort to attend a minimum of 30 minutes of daily therapeutic activity, even if provided on a 1:1 basis
Provisions have been made for primary physician coverage of non-neuro-related health issues
Absence of severe unpredictable aggression, expected to require mechanical restraint not permitted by MI AFC licensing
A comeback starts with a conversation.
Contact our Admissions Team directly at 855.407.7575 or email us at Someone can help set up a tour, answer questions about funding, or provide additional information.