Samuel’s House: Youth Crisis Residential Program
Helping youth experiencing a behavioral or mental health crisis.
A home away from home for youth in crisis.
For youth in a behavioral or mental health crisis who need immediate intervention, our goal is simple: avoiding hospitalization and transitioning each child back to a family and community setting.
Time away from the stressors of life can change everything, and we’re here to provide that. By giving youth a welcoming environment to process traumas they’ve experienced, it supports our belief that change occurs when people feel safe and supported by those around them.
Once each youth served is stabilized, discharge treatment plans are developed to include continued treatment services in the community setting in conjunction with the family.
Services Overview
All services are performed by credentialed treatment providers
- Treatment Planning
- Therapy
- Group Therapy and/or Psychoeducational Groups
- Family Therapy
- Safety Planning
- Case Management
Therapeutic and Pyschoeducational Groups
- Anger Management
- Medication Education
- Safe Coping
- Self-Care Essentials
- And much more
- Psychiatry
- Nursing
- Coordination of Care
- Medication Administration
- Facilitate 504 Plans and IEPs as necessary
Who We Serve
Services are designed for boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 17 who meet inpatient admission criteria or are at risk of admission, but who can be appropriately served in settings less intensive than a hospital.
Our program has developed specific competencies for following clinically significant conditions:
- Anxiety
- Adjustment Disorder
- Behavioral Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder and other mood disorders
- Depression
- Personality Disorders
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Youth typically admit after their challenging behaviors make it unsafe to continue in the community without immediate intervention, including:
- Physical and verbal aggression
- Self-injurious behavior
- Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts
- Running away
- Sexually reactive behavior
- Impulse control disorders
- Low distress tolerance skills and problem-solving skills
- Disruptions in occupational functioning
- Significant difficulty with interpersonal relationships
- Symptoms interfering with activities of daily living
Program Details
- Located at 336 Lawndale Ave NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
- Short-term (3- to 7-day stays on average) provide an alternative to inpatient psychiatric hospitalization
- 6-bed, non-secure program
- Home-like environment with private spaces and indoor and outdoor areas
- 24-hour staffing by direct care professionals, 365 days a year
- 1:3 staffing-to-resident ratio
- Each youth will receive psychiatric review within 24-48 hours of admission, M-F. On-Call psychiatry available for after hours and emergencies.
• Youth accepted into the program must be between the ages of 10 and 17.
• Must be exhibiting symptoms or behaviors of thought or mood disorders with IQ of 70 or higher.*
• Youth referred to us must be experiencing a mental health crisis (as defined by their external health provider, in partnership with our clinical team).
• May be experiencing acute mental health symptoms creating barriers to safety or wellness in their homes. But since our program is voluntary, they must be willing to participate in treatment.
*Youth with IQ lower than 70 would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis according to child’s needs and current milieu.